Dynamic lighting adapted to every situation

Once the principle of a strong reduction of lighting in case of inactivity has been accepted, it is clear that the principle must be adapted to the particular situation.

To date, Yverdon-les-Bains Énergies offers dynamic lighting in three categories:


Dynamic residential lighting

This variant is intended for mainly residential areas, streets limited to 30 km/h, meeting areas.

When a pedestrian is located, the detector emits a radio signal and "turns on" the two adjacent light points. This way, the pedestrian moves in a "wave of light". As standard, the light level drops to 10% at rest, a level sufficient to maintain the feeling of safety.

Yverdon-les-Bains Énergies has published a guide for planning this type of lighting.


Dynamic road lighting

This version will be better adapted to the so-called "rolling" sections: city entrance, transit street. Basically anything that is limited to 50 km/h.

Lorsque qu’une présence est détectée, c’est tout le tronçon de rue qui doit être mis à niveau. Ceci entraîne l’utilisation de systèmes plus complexes. Certains systèmes du marché propose un niveau d’éclairement différencié selon que la présence détectée se déplace à basse ou haute vitesse (piétons cyclistes, < 30 km/h).


Dynamic leisure lighting

In contrast to lighting in residential areas, leisure areas can be switched off completely in case of inactivity. The lighting can be activated either via a sensor or, as in the case of the good old stairwell, a simple push button (example of a skate park).

Last updated: March 29, 2019 at 3:46 pm