Renovation of heating installations

Reduce yourCO2 footprint by renovating your old heating system!

Test your installation in a few clicks!
Do you have an old heating system and want to know the potential savings you could make by changing your boiler? Are you interested in the renovation grant?

Perform the check-up of your installation in less than 2 minutes!

I would like to change my installation, what conditions must I meet to obtain a renovation grant?

  • Living on the municipal territory of Yverdon-les-Bains.
  • The heating installation must be for the heating of a building located on the territory of the Commune of Yverdon-les-Bains.
  • L’ancienne installation de chauffage utilise du mazout ou du gaz naturel comme agent énergétique. Le remplacement d’une chaudière à bois par une nouvelle chaudière à bois labélisées « Energie-bois Suisse » est également valable, pour autant qu’elle soit utilisée comme chauffage principal.
  • Replace my old boiler with a natural gas or wood boiler.

I meet all the requirements and want to apply for a grant, what do I have to do?

Click here

Last updated: September 2, 2019 at 11:21 min.