Comparison tools

Technical information

All owners of photovoltaic systems ask themselves the same question:

Is my installation working properly?

One of the aims of our website is to provide the inhabitants of the region of Yverdon-les-Bains with elements of comparison which allow us to answer this fundamental question. Indeed, in order to be able to hope for a return on investment, it is essential that the installation achieves its production objectives and it is imperative to detect damage quickly.

How can we compare installations with each other?

As long as the modules are of similar technology and are installed in the same region, it is very easy to compare performance. Just reduce the production of a certain period (a month or a year) to 1 kWDC of solar panel.

For example: your installation is composed of 16 modules with a nominal power of 320 WDC. The total power of your solar field is 5'120 WDC or 5.12 kWDC. If during one month, your installation has produced 450 kWh, the production related to 1 kW of solar panel power is equal to 450 kWh divided by 5.12 kWDC, which gives us 87.9 kWh/kWDC. This value allows you to make comparisons.

Our website gives you access to production data, expressed in kWh/kWDC, on a monthly or annual basis for four installations with standard modules (rigid mono or polycrystalline panels) and one installation using flexible thin-film solar panels. First of all, you have to compare your technical data and statistics in order to find the installation that will allow the best comparison. Afterwards, you will just have to follow the evolution of the statistics. Any discrepancies will highlight technical problems.

Be careful, to make this comparison, it is important to take readings on the 1st of each month in order to compare similar periods. For our installations, we have meters that memorize the indexes at each change of month. Small installations (less than 30 kWDC) are not equipped with this type of meter. On the other hand, some inverters allow us to make monthly statistics.

Durant une année, dans notre région, une installation solaire « standard » devrait produire : 1000 kWh/kWDC

Last updated: March 29, 2019 at 3:46 pm