Energy mapping platform

Online platform for the inhabitants and companies of the town of Yverdon-les-Bains

In order to promote the work carried out in the framework of energy planning, Yverdon-Énergies has launched a pioneering approach by making an online mapping platform available to its residents.

The aim of this platform is to inform and help citizens to find concrete solutions to reduce energy consumption and enhance the value of renewable resources on the municipal territory.

It contains technical sheets as well as financing sheets that inform you about the various energy-related topics, the procedures and subsidies available.

You're wondering:

  • What is the city's recommended heating system for my building?
  • If you are located in a district heating development area?
  • Are you eligible for subsidies from the Confederation, the Canton or the municipality for renovation or renewable installations?


Answers, on the platform!

Mapping platform


Last updated: March 29, 2019 at 3:46 pm